The following tips will help you in the kitchen. The information each tip provides includes the names of popular kitchen gadgets and how to use them. Prepare the foods you enjoy safely and efficiently by using the gadgets recommended and the information provided. Save money on gadgets you may not need by taking the following advice.
Cutting boards
Although researchers stated in the early 1990s wood does not hold on to as much bacteria as plastic does, the most recent consensus has changed. It is now commonly believed there is little difference. The recommendation is that you use a wood or plastic cutting board and that you thoroughly wash it with soap and water after every use. You are also advised to sanitize the board with a water and bleach solution. Put 16 ounces of water and ¼ teaspoon of chlorine bleach in a spray bottle and spray your board to effectively disinfect it. Use a cutting board for meats and another one for other foods to prevent cross-contamination. To prevent your cutting board from slipping away from you when you use it, place a moistened towel or rubber mat under it.
Cheese graters
If you have an old-fashioned cheese grater and think you need a more modern one, think again. A cheese grater that works by turning a handle may look newer and more impressive, but a box grater is the smarter choice because it does a better job of grating soft foods. It’s also simply designed, so there’s no risk of mechanical dysfunction. A box grater has no moving parts that can break.
Paper food strainers
Use paper filters made for coffee when you want to strain broth and other liquids. Though you can use cheesecloth, cheesecloth may be hard to find. Place the coffee filter you use inside a funnel or a mesh strainer and secure it over a container before you pour the liquid through it. When you are done, discard the paper filter and wash the mesh strainer in hot water and dish detergent so the holes in the mesh don’t clog up. Coffee filters are sold in different shapes and sizes, so purchase and use one that will be able to hold the amount of liquid you plan to strain.
Other gadgets
Don’t waste money on kitchen gadgets you’ll probably rarely use. Although the manufacturer of a kitchen gadget like an electric egg beater will try to get you to buy their product by telling you it will produce amazing results, know that a wire whisk can be just as efficient. A wire whisk may also be easier to use. An egg beater you operate by turning a handle can also work as well as an electric egg beater. Other gadgets you should think twice about purchasing include microwave ovens, juicers, and coffee makers. Microwaves and juicers can be expensive. If you’re sure you are going to use the kitchen gadgets you’re thinking about buying, go ahead and purchase them.