Mother Teresa was a world-famous Catholic nun and missionary. Today Mother Teresa is an icon for peace and love. She is well known for her kindness and her many contributions towards serving the poorest of humanity. Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her work in overcoming poverty and suffering.
Let the loving and generous spirit of Mother Teresa inspire you through the exploration of some of her most beautiful quotes.
Smiling at someone is a gift of love to that person.
You can brighten someone’s mood, or even their whole day, simply by smiling at them. We tend to forget how meaningful a smile can be.
In order to be of service, start with those nearest to you. Start with just one person at a time.
Trying to make the world a better place can feel like an overwhelming task. But trying to help the person beside you is so much more doable. Today, what can you to for the person nearest you, to help ease their load?
It can feel easier to feed those in need, than to help those close to us. Loving each other must start in our own homes.
To spread love, we have to start by opening up to those that our closest to us, within the same walls. Then we can open up to others.
Medicine cures physical diseases. But love is the only cure for emotional diseases, such as loneliness or hopelessness.
Don’t underestimate the power your presence has for others. If a person is lonely or sad, the simple act of listening can make them feel better. Simply being with someone, listening, and giving them the gift of your attention, can transform their mood.
We might feel that our work, our attempt at kindness, is just a “drop in the ocean.” But without that single drop, the ocean would be a little bit less.
Each of us is unique. Each of us has a contribution to make to humanity that no other person in the entire world, can give. If your soul wasn’t here, this world would be a less perfect and beautiful place.
We can start by helping those around us, right where we are. Charity, love, and kindness start in our own backyards.
We tend to forget that their are needy and suffering people right next door to us, and all around us. Where can you give of your time and your kindness? Volunteering at a senior citizens’ home or a hospital may be the perfect way to start giving back to those in need.
We can’t do great things, but what we can do is this; small things, with great love.
Mother Teresa was a saint. She did great things. But she did great things by first doing small things with great love, over and over again. It’s easy to build one small act of kindness into your daily routine, even if it’s just smiling at someone as you pass by them on the street.