Money is not the key to success, but it is a vital component of a successful life. Having money has many advantages, enabling you to access most of the resources you require daily. With cash, you can pay your bills, take care of your medical expenses, and solve other financial issues without struggling.
When you have a lot of money, you can use it differently depending on what you fancy. If you have kids in school, your priority might be to pay their school fees. However, if you have a school fees package plan, you might decide to invest the money in stocks or other schemes that will benefit you financially. But, if your dream has always been to look good by buying fancy clothes and jewelry, you can get the look you’ve always desired by using a fraction of your money for that.
What makes men spend large sums of money on luxurious items?
Men don’t have limitations when they decide to spend on items they fancy. With a large sum of money, men have a dominant and aggressive behavior that makes them buy different things regardless of their price to impress their colleagues. That might result from high hormone levels in the body, which rises when one has money and falls when they are broke. With money, men feel like winners, and they go on a spending spree without budgeting.
What makes men spend luxuriously?
To determine why men spend a lot of money on luxurious items, different institutions researched whether men’s behavior is triggered by high testosterone levels or their status in society. They wanted to find out how men can buy costly items rather than spending it on basic needs.
During the research, the researchers tried to understand how different men behaved after winning a specific game. As the men proceeded with the game, the researchers asked them how much money they would be willing to spend on luxurious items and give positive or negative words for the specific things they wished to buy. And, as they continued playing and answering the questions, the researchers checked their testosterone levels.
At the end of the research, the researchers found out that the men who won in their respective games were willing to spend their money on luxurious items compared to those who lost. Besides, the winners attached more significant value to expensive items than their counterparts.
However, when the researchers compared the testosterone levels in both winners and losers who participated in the games, they found out that none had high testosterone levels. So, they concluded that testosterone does not have any effect on men who spend on luxurious items.
In conclusion, the researchers found out that men who spend money on luxurious items compared to basic needs do so for social competition. That’s because they believe that owning expensive items will make them famous, and they will be able to compete with other men who grew up in wealthy and successful families.