Over the past century, climate change and urbanization of the United States have led populations of mosquitoes to skyrocket in pockets of the country. While mosquitoes aren’t the lethal threat they can be in other parts of the world, you still may want to know about remedies you can use once you’ve been bitten by them. Make sure that you understand exactly what a mosquito bite is and what you can do to treat it.
Mosquito bites
Male mosquitos don’t bite humans or animals as they can live on a diet of plant nectar and water. However, female mosquitos bite for blood as it’s required for them to be able to reproduce. These bites affect humans as the saliva of mosquitos contains proteins that humans are allergic to. For an average adult, mosquito bites can be perfectly fine but children and those with impaired immune systems should watch out for more server symptoms like body aches and fever that could be worth visiting a doctor for. Fully understanding what a mosquito bite entails is the first important step of putting yourself out of danger.
Preventive methods
Whether you’re more at risk of a severe reaction or just don’t like the itching that comes from a mosquito bite, you do have ways that you can help prevent mosquitos. First, ensure that you don’t have standing water around as mosquitos breed in water. To avoid standing water, regularly change pools of water that you have outside. This can include swimming pools and even birdbaths as a small amount of water can do for mosquitos. In addition to caring about your water, make sure that you keep your lawn well-trimmed as mosquitos can hang out in the grass while they wait to bite you. By utilizing these preventive methods, you should have much better chances of not having to deal with a mosquito bite.
Bite helper
Regardless of preventive methods or not, chances are you still will have a mosquito bite every once-in-a-while. Bite Helper is an itch neutralizer that you can use directly on mosquito bites along with bites from all other types of insects. The device works by sending heat and vibration directly to a bite area once the device is pressed down on top of it. From there, the body reacts by sending blood flow to the area which causes the itch to go away. Maxogen, the company behind Bite Helper, ensures that the device is harmless as the device utilizes non-toxic materials. Purchase the Bite Helper if you want a simple way to deal with mosquito bites in the future.