When you hear the word “cigarette lighter,” you might be surprised to hear it called by this particular name. After all, many cars still have them on the dashboard, but who still uses them to light up a cigarette? We mostly use our cigarette lighters to charge our ever-present cell phones, but did you know there is a host of other things you could be plugging into? Check out this list of four items you could be carrying around in your vehicle!
1. A rechargeable blender
There won’t be many ways to make a smoothie or milkshake while you are out and about on the road unless you decide to stop at a restaurant. Now, you don’t have to. The Coleman rechargeable portable blender uses the 12-volt port in your vehicle to charge. After charging the device for the recommended period of time, the blender will make 20 to 30 pitchers of whatever drink you would like! It easily crushes up ice and can blend most fruits and vegetables quite well. If you’re at your hotel or back home, you can plug it into a typical electrical outlet.
2. Auto pivot vacuum
Whether you are out on the road on a car trip or simply using your vehicle to get groceries every other day, you’re likely annoyed at the amount of dirt and debris you find. The interiors of our vehicles certainly take a beating day after day, so having a reliable vacuum handy will help out. The Auto Pivot Vac by Black & Decker can be plugged into the cigarette lighter of your car for easy use. It has a pivoting head that can be set to ten positions, and the cyclonic power will pick up your mess in no time. It’s perfect for cleaning up your car on the go and at home.
3. Car cozy blanket
You might love driving with the windows open and the wind whistling through your hair. However, the person next to you won’t stop complaining about the cold. You’ll both be happy when you use the Car Cozy 2, a portable electric blanket that can be used in the front or back seat of your vehicle. The 7-foot-long cord makes it easy for passengers to cuddle up in the backseat, and the blanket has an auto-off feature that comes in handy if you or your passenger falls asleep. The blanket is 58 by 42 inches and can be used by one to two people at a time.
4. A 16-inch High-Definition television
Sure, you go out on the road to escape your electronics. But maybe you won’t mind checking in to see the score of the big game or watch your favorite drama! This 16-inch television set by Sceptre will plug right into your vehicle. There are two HDMI inputs included with the set, so if you want to bring along a video game console or DVD player, go for it! You’ll be able to settle in your vehicle and enjoy a little bit of electronic bliss even while you are on the road.